when zhumulangma was born, she was a shell in the vast ocean. she became a beautiful goddess after many years. she had ten snow-mountain sisters, and three sons. the eldest was called the yellow river. the second is yangtze river. yaluzangbujiang is the youngest.
ept her here spontaneously. but it’s more e*cessive that you take the foreigners back.. you are ridiculous/absurd!
格 桑 頭人,我。。。。。。我只是不能見死不救。
sir. i just can’t see somebody dying.
雪兒達娃 (有點惶恐,但還是勇敢地站到格桑前面,面對頭人)不關(guān)格桑的事,他們是我發(fā)現(xiàn)的。
it’s none of his business. i found them actually.
丹 珠 (頭人想說什么,被丹珠阻止)阿爸,他們只是好心救人,沒什么要緊的,您別怪他們,F(xiàn)在還想想怎么處理這兩個洋人吧。
dad, they were just so kind to help others. it doesn’t matter. please don’t blame them. now, we should think about how to deal with the foreigners
頭 人 神的旨意,這兩人是魔鬼,從西方帶來災(zāi)難。
this is the god’s, demons will come from the west.
羅克曼 (大吼)我抗議!我們是大英帝國的科學(xué)考察隊,有你們清政府的護照。
i protest. we are scientists of great britain. we got the passports issued by your own government.
頭 人 (翻行李袋)護照?在哪?
passports? where?
瓊 斯 雪崩,我們的行李丟了。
a snowslide. we lost our baggage.
頭 人 我們從來不允許外國人進入西藏。所以,我們必須遵從神的旨意。
we have never allowed any foreigners to get into tibet. so, we have to listen to our god
羅克曼 (大叫)這愚蠢的巫師,就能決定我們的生死?
no. that stupid? can he decide that we had to be died?
頭 人 按神的旨意,必須用火刑處死你們。格桑。ǜ裆I锨埃┘热荒Ч硎悄阋齺淼,就由你負(fù)責(zé)點火吧。
according to the god’s words, we can’t bury them. or, roots be grown from the body. we can’t draw them to dirty the river. kill them by fire!
since you brought the demons here, you should go to sent them back.
瓊 斯 (對羅說)這地方對我們來說永遠是個謎了。
this place may be a mystery to us.
羅克曼 世界也許就是一個謎。我們祈禱吧
the world itself is a mystery. we pray.
瓊 斯 上帝啊,把我們的靈魂帶回故土吧。
god, please bring our soul to the native land.
丹 珠 阿爸,還是等調(diào)查清楚在處置他們吧。
dad, we’d better investigate clearly then to deal with them. if kill the wrong people, we may have big trouble.
管 家 頭人,有圣旨。
sir ,from laza.
頭 人 念!
read it.
管 家 自五年前英人入侵我境后,常以科學(xué)考察為名,探查我境地形。故嚴(yán)令不得英人入境。經(jīng)北京政府考察,此等人是特許入境科學(xué)考察隊,持政府護照。令立即釋放,護送出境。
five years ago, the british invaded us, sent e*ploration teams to our place. guard the passes and keep the foreigners out. this time, we checked with beijing, they got special passports from qing government. mu ……(未完,全文共15247字,當(dāng)前僅顯示2742字,請閱讀下面提示信息。