

發(fā)表時間:2013/5/24 18:31:37


(Mobile termination present situation, tendency and future)

1. Introduction ( present situation)
The issue of the regulation of fi*ed-to-mobile (F2M) termination charges has become increasingly important in Europe and Australia Under the Calling Party Pays (CPP) principle, the fi*ed network subscriber that calls a mobile subscriber has to pay for the call. If the F2M termination charge is set by the mobile operator, and in the absence of any regulation, mobile operators have an incentive to set high F2M termination charges, resulting in too few F2M calls.
In pra
d make assumptions about the competitive dynamics of the mobile markets.
petition .

A. the calling party
􀂃 Under Calling Party Pays (CPP) the calling party, or the calling partys network, pays for the call. The recipient of the call pays nothing.
􀂃 CPP is used in many countries to structure interconnection payments for fi*ed-to-mobile calls. Under the "old" CPP model, the mobile operator sets a fi*ed-to-mobile tariff. The fi*ed operator deducts specified charges from this fee (such as an origination charge, and billing and collection charges), and passes the balance of the call revenue to the mobile operator.
􀂃 In recent years, some regulators have decided to regulate fi*ed-to mobile tariffs, rather than leaving this to the mobile operator to determine. This generally reflects concerns that fi*ed-to-mobile tariffs
are too high. This concern has also led regulators to control mobile termination charges.

􀂃 Calling Party Pays business model has been instrumental
in the rapid e*pansion of mobile telephony subscribership
in developing nations, particularly among lower income
– Per-minute pricing
– Prepaid service is the dominant payment mode
– Fi*ed-mobile calls far more numerous than mobile-fi*ed
􀂃 The trend towards capacity-based interconnection,
spurred by VoIP services, towards arrangements where
each network’s own customers pay network costs.
– Flat-rated packages
– Prepaid could still be the payment mode

B. Many regulators now control mobile termination charges.
There are several forms of such regulation:
– International benchmarking: In the absence of cost based data,
regulators are increasingly relying on international benchmarking
to set regulated mobile termination charges in their own
– Rounding: Some regulators have introduced regulations requiring
mobile operators to round each call to a lower unit of charging
(for e*ample rounding to the second when the charging unit is to
the minute). The effect of this requirement is to reduce revenue
from mobile termination.
– Cost- ……(未完,全文共11491字,當(dāng)前僅顯示2733字,請閱讀下面提示信息。收藏《移動終端的現(xiàn)狀、趨勢及未來13(英文版)》