
板塊的構造基礎 Based on plate tectonic

發(fā)表時間:2013/7/11 17:27:08

板塊的構造基礎 Based on plate tectonic

基本論點: Basic argument
巖石圈板塊漂浮在軟流圈之上,不斷地生長、移動、消亡。The lithosphere outside the Earth is not a complete one piece, it was split into many blocks because of the tectonic activity, known as the Plate。
Lithosphere plates floating on the asthenosphere,constantly grow, move and demise.
The most active area of the Earth surface is plate boundary,where most earthquakes and volcanic distribute on, while the region within the plate is relatively stable.
板塊運動是形成地表各種構造形變根本原因。Plate tectonic movement is the root cause of various of the Earth surface structural deformation
發(fā)現(xiàn)大西洋兩岸的輪廓竟如此相互對應,特別是巴西東端的直角突出部分,與非洲西岸呈直角凹進的幾內亞灣非常吻合Both sides of the Atlantic that has the outline of such a mutual counterparts, particularly the eastern end of the rectangular Brazil prominent part of
t of e*tension.
大陸漂移說: That continental drift
大陸漂移說的內容 That the content of continental drift
大陸漂移的證據 The evidence of continental drift
大陸漂移說的內容:That the content of continental drift
魏格納大陸由較輕的剛性的硅鋁層組成,它漂浮在較重的粘性的硅鎂質洋底之上,硅鋁層原曾覆蓋過地球的整個表面,隨后由于皺縮使其面積減小而厚度增大,到古生代末期和中生代初期演變成一整塊聯(lián)合古陸(即泛大陸),相應的海域只有一個,即泛大洋。Eugene mainland by the lesser of the Si-layer rigid, floating in the heavier viscosity of the ocean floor above-Si-Mg, Si-layer has covered the entire surface of the Earth, and then because of its shrinkage Reduce the increasing size and thickness, the late Paleozoic to Mesozoic and early evolution into a block joint ancient land (that is, pan-continent), the corresponding area there is only one, namely the Pan-Ocean.
中生代開始,特別是侏羅紀時,這個大陸裂開、解體,并發(fā)生水平移動,于是形成今天的各大洲和各大洋。大西洋和印度洋是在大陸解體、漂移過程中的產物,原來的泛大洋縮小為今日之太平洋Mesozoic, especially the Jurassic, the continent split and disintegration, and in the level of movement, therefore formed todays continents and oceans. Atlantic and Indian Ocean in the disintegration of the mainland, the drift in the process of product, the original Pan-Ocean narrow for todays Pacific.
大陸漂移的方向:Continental drift in the direction
一是自地球兩極向赤道的離極移動如兩億多年前聚集在南極的南半球諸大陸向北四散漂移,并在非洲、印度和歐亞大陸之間形成阿爾卑斯—喜瑪拉雅褶皺山系First, since the two poles to the equator of the earth from the very mobile as more than 200 million years ago gathered in the southern hemisphere all the Antarctic continent scattered northward drift, and in Africa, India and Eurasia formed between the Alps - Himalaya Mountains fol.另一是向西漂移如美洲大陸西移因太平洋底的抵抗而在大陸西線形成科迪勒拉和安第斯山系,在大陸的東部則脫落下一些落伍的碎塊形成島嶼,Another is the westward drift as a result of the American continent west Pacific at the end of the resistance in the mainland and the Western form of the Andean Cordillera and in the eastern part of the mainland while falling backward under some of the fragments formed islands.如在亞洲大陸后方的日本、琉球、臺灣、菲律賓島,在澳洲大陸東面的新西蘭島,在中美洲東面的古巴、安德列斯群島,在非洲大陸東面的馬達加斯加島,印度東側的錫蘭島,以及尾隨在南美洲南端的馬爾維納斯群島等,If the rear of the Asian mainland Japan, Okinawa, Taiwan, the Philippines Island, east of the mainland in Australia, New Zealand Island, east of Cuba in Central America, Andreas Islands, the African continent in the east of Madagascar Island, east India The Ceylon Island, followed in South America and the southern tip of the Malvinas Islands.并且掉隊愈遠,島嶼愈小And from the more distant, smaller islands.
之后的進展:After the progress
魏格納的學說曾經盛行一時。但是,硅鎂層實際是剛性的,硅鋁質大陸不能在其上航行,人們不了解有什么機制能使大陸發(fā)生漂移。Eugene was the prevailing theory 1:00. However, the real-Si-Mg layer is rigid, silicon aluminum on the mainland can not be in their voyage, people do not know what mechanism can drift in the mainland.
大陸漂移說本身的依據還不足,某些證據可作另外的解釋,尤其是缺乏定量的證據,不易使人信服。加之傳統(tǒng)的固定論_強大,大陸漂移說在一些地質學和地球物理學權威的極力反對之下,未能得到廣泛的支持而逐漸衰落Continental drift that itself is also the basis for the lack of evidence for some other e*planation, especially the lack of quantitative evidence, not convincing. In addition, the traditional fi*ed on the powerful, continental drift that in a number of Geology and Geophysics under the authority of the strong opposition, failed to receive broad support and gradually fading.
杜.托伊特提出古生代不只一個而是有兩個聯(lián)合古陸,即北半球的勞 ……(未完,全文共22627字,當前僅顯示4070字,請閱讀下面提示信息。收藏《板塊的構造基礎 Based on plate tectonic》